July 18, 2024

A brighter future for the European Turtle-dove?

Discussions about the European Turtle-dove are often centred around phrases like 'worrying decline,' 'depleted populations,' and comparisons to the fate of the Passenger Pigeon, which went extinct at the beginning of the 20th century. But now, there are signs of recovery of the western breeding population!
December 8, 2021

GPS transmitter leads way to shot Imperial Eagle with 16 pellets in body

On the 20th of September, a team of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) tracked and found a helpless Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) thanks to its GPS/GSM transmitter. Shortly after, the eagle was transferred to the Green Balkans Wildlife Rescue Center. There, the veterinarians examined the bird and undoubtedly confirmed the diagnosis. With a broken wing and 16 pellets in its body, the Imperial Eagle was a victim of poaching.
December 8, 2021

Notorious Bulgarian poacher finally caught: has killed dozens of endangered birds

“We are horrified by this barbaric, mass killing of endangered species. These actions can lead to the complete extinction of a species in our country," says Stoycho Stoychev, the Conservation Director at the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB).
December 8, 2021

Cinereous Vulture found poisoned in Bulgaria

Once again, poison illegally placed in the wild has caused the death of an endangered bird species in Bulgaria.
October 6, 2021

Death by a thousand cuts: the challenge of protecting migratory birds

A new study shows that threatened migratory vultures face a variety of threats along their 5000 km journey from Europe to Africa. They risk getting shot, poisoned and electrocuted in 13 countries across 3 continents. […]
April 30, 2021

GPS-tagged Cinereous vulture goes missing in Hungary

story by PannonEagle Last week, BirdLife in Hungary (MME) was contacted by the Bulgarian organisation, Green Balkans  to say one of their GPS tagged Cinereous vultures, […]
December 16, 2020

Anahita the Egyptian Vulture is fighting for her life

On the 10th of September, Anahita, a three-month-old Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus), began her journey from the Balkans to travel thousands of kilometers to spend her […]
May 19, 2020

Sniffing out poison: how dogs are saving birds in Hungary

Poison is a deadly weapon, killing birds across the continent. Our partner, BirdLife Hungary, is taking action. This is their story. If you are wandering around […]