July 18, 2024

A brighter future for the European Turtle-dove?

Discussions about the European Turtle-dove are often centred around phrases like 'worrying decline,' 'depleted populations,' and comparisons to the fate of the Passenger Pigeon, which went extinct at the beginning of the 20th century. But now, there are signs of recovery of the western breeding population!
October 14, 2022

GPS-tracked Finnish Honey-buzzard killed in Malta after three-week journey through 10 European countries

A European Honey-buzzard which hatched in Finland earlier this summer and was being GPS-tracked as part of a post-doctoral research project into the migratory behaviour of […]
August 24, 2022

Juvenile Egyptian Vulture migrating to Africa likely shot above Malta

Original post: https://4vultures.org/blog/juvenile-egyptian-vulture-migrating-to-africa-disappears-above-malta-likely-shot/  In September 2021, a juvenile Egyptian Vulture -(Neophron percnopterus) named Isabel disappeared while flying above Malta. Isabel played an important part in conservation […]
May 31, 2022

Bird poaching in Malta remained rampant in 2021

In 2021, 181 protected birds were illegally shot in Malta, according to BirdLife Malta.   Yet despite this appalling number, it is only a small part of […]
April 21, 2020

#NoMoreCallers: fighting illegal hunting in Malta through citizen engagement

Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean, is an important stopover for migratory birds. Unfortunately, the illegal killing of birds is widespread problem there, too – […]
October 3, 2019

Did Odysseus the Eastern imperial eagle actually sail to Malta like his namesake of yore?

In what had tongues wagging across the island, an Eastern imperial eagle roosted in Malta in November 2015 in what constitutes the only record in history […]
September 9, 2019

The future of the European turtle-dove

After 20 days of flapping flight, covering over 5,000 kilometres, our magnificent turtle-dove has reached its wintering grounds in Niger, a landlocked country in the Sahara […]
September 6, 2019

Tracking the fearless Honey-buzzard to Malta

Despite being a protected species, the European Honey-buzzard is one of the birds that is a victim of illegal killing in Malta. Every year, our partner […]