October 3, 2019

Did Odysseus the Eastern imperial eagle actually sail to Malta like his namesake of yore?

In what had tongues wagging across the island, an Eastern imperial eagle roosted in Malta in November 2015 in what constitutes the only record in history […]
October 2, 2019

7,000 illegally killed Blackcaps: looking back on Jordan’s largest poaching violation

In 2016, our BirdLife Partner the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) announced the seizure of 7,000 dead birds in the largest poaching violation […]
September 30, 2019

Blackcaps in Syria: protecting birds in one of the worst illegal poaching zones

In 2016, BirdLife released the first-ever comprehensive report on illegal bird killing in the Mediterranean. BirdLife Partners across the region had recorded years of observations, contributing […]
September 28, 2019

The guardian angels of the Eastern imperial eagle in Serbia

With its two metre wingspan, the flight of the Eastern imperial eagle is a striking sight. But this powerful predator has become the prey. After decades […]
September 27, 2019

Update – Egyptian vultures Sara & Tobia reach African skies!

Have you ever had to wait for a delayed flight? What’s the longest time you’ve waited? During her epic migration journey, the Egyptian vulture Sara had […]
September 27, 2019

Netted, glued and eaten whole – can we keep this songbird free?

For many people, it’s an iconic sound of the countryside: a rich, complex musical whistle which culminates in a loud, high-pitched crescendo. It is so strident […]
September 26, 2019

How Albania is saving the Egyptian vultures in the Balkans

The Egyptian vulture is Europe’s only long-distance migratory vulture. Flying up to 640 km per day, it can travel 5000 km when migrating between its European […]
September 25, 2019

A mighty predator made helpless at the hands of humans

The eagle is a long-standing symbol of strength and glory, but though triumphant within the animal kingdom, the predator becomes the prey when the Eastern imperial […]